Tuesday 6 September 2011

U - Underwear.

At 6 months pregnant my sister declared that since finding out she was pregnant she had already spent £150 on bras. These were bras without frills, lace, vintage design, spots, tassels, stripes or flowers. Just your plain, old basic bra. This was £150 spent on the M&S boulder holder!

There is no denying that pregnancy, breast feeding, stopping breast feeding and your new (not as good) boobs after the whole shabang takes it toll on your underwear drawer - be prepared to spend a fortune just to find some comfort and support from your lingerie!

Then the bottom half - knickers. "Just wait I told her" as she sat with her 6 month bump "That's nothing compared to the battle you're about to have with knickers. From 6 months pregnant the first, and hardest, challenge of the day is geting a pair a knickers on. Somewhere, from 6 months pregnant, the bending, pulling, stretching mechanism, which you once took for granted when pulling on a pair of pants, no longer exists. It has been replaced by a sharp, unbearable pain. Therfore you will have to devise many different techniques till you master the art of pulling on pants whilst pregnant.   Here are some iIam familiar with:
  • toe hooking
  • lying flat on the bed
  • writhing and wriggling
  • sitting on the side of the bed and ungracefully shuffling legs
  • getting an unwilling partner to aid you (wouldn't reccomend)

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