Wednesday 26 October 2011

B - Bump Envy

I've always had good bumps. Something I have been quite proud of. I've usually been a size 14 when I've fallen pregnant, so by a good bump do not picture skinny girl with nice, neat bump. Picture, curvy girl with big, round, hard bump like someone stuffed a football up her jumper.

But the third time round it was a bit of a squashy jelly bump - I was not impresseed. Was it age?  Or just the fact the previous two pregancies had left my stomach muscles knackered? Who knew, but I finally understood bump envy.

When I'm pregnant I like people to know I'm preganant, I clad my bump in tight clothes (enjoying the freedom from the self-concious stomach that feels the need to breath in when in public). I like people to know I'm preganant, not just be thinking "Hasn't she put on weight"

I felt a proud sense of achievement when I overhrad this conversation in my year 10 class:
Charming teenage boy: Is Miss Pringle pregnant?
Not-so-charming teenage boy: Nah she just swallowed a bowling ball. What do you think, ya div?

But this time in took 28 weeks to get this bump (it used to appear at 10 weeks). I was mortified at 30 weeks pregnant to have a Mum , who saw me every week at toddler group, exclaim "Oh my god you're pregnant! I had no idea!"What had she been thking... I'd lost all sense of fashion and found 2 stone?

I wasn't envious of other bumps, just the ones I'd once had.

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